“Fresh Off the Boat” Not the Only Asian-American Sitcom in 20 Years
ABC’s sitcom has others to compete with, but the field is far from saturated.
ABC’s sitcom has others to compete with, but the field is far from saturated.
Dumpling turns two and sports a relaunched website with plenty of spiffy features.
A recent article tries to examine an Asian-American female rapper but fails to draw any meaningful conclusions.
Dumpling celebrates its one-year anniversary with a look behind at 2012 and a look ahead at all that 2013 will bring.
It’s a wonderful life, when a talented musician like Goh Nakamura unveils a new song just in time for Christmas. Cheers.
Dumpling’s relocated to the Big Apple and needs your help in redesigning the website.
We take a look at the five brands that blaringly berated Asian-Americans for profit and personal gain, and some that are still doing it.
Tourists are disrupting the quality of life of these tenants, like me, with their quirky behavior — a behavior making tourists look inconsiderate.
The future of Asian-American students is now, but this future raises questions of whether Asian Americans in this new era will still be exemplars of the “model minority” title.
News agencies discuss the lack of Asian Americans in Broadway productions, but how can we be elevated when all that’s available are typecast roles?
I began to wonder why and where others like me were, and eventually I went to seek them out.