Rachael Yamagata Keeps Breaking Through
Raspy, raw and full of emotion, Rachael Yamagata’s voice is a perfect blend of soul and punk, if this combination is musically possible.
Raspy, raw and full of emotion, Rachael Yamagata’s voice is a perfect blend of soul and punk, if this combination is musically possible.
New Jersey senators denied Gov. Chris Christie’s nominee to the Supreme Court in her state, Phillip Kwon, who would have been the state’s first Asian-American Supreme Court justice: http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/breaking/new-jersey-senate-rejects-nominee-who-would-have-been-first/article_43838452-7497-11e1-9b28-0019bb2963f4.html
President Barack Obama nominated President Jim Yong Kim of Dartsmouth College to lead the World Bank, making him the first Asian-American to head the position: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2012/03/23/bloomberg_articlesM1C9R96S972B01-M1D0Z.DTL
A Pew Research Center study suggests marriages between persons of Asian and white ethnicity yields a higher average combined income than either white/white or Asian/Asian pairings at $70,952: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/02/16/the-rise-of-intermarriage/?src=prc-headline
Dumpling hungers for some young-adult action and Lucy Liu co-stars in limited-release film. Could this week’s releases be more perfect?
Asian Americans are being harassed in a string of gang-related crimes in Philadelphia, including one involving a Korean-American family, threatened at gunpoint, who lost $30,000 in the attack: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20120320_Vid_shows_gang_attacking_Asian_couple.html?cmpid=124488459
Asian-American tech guy CEO Philip Lee offers six tips for breaking the bamboo ceiling in your own tech job: commit, prepare, network, learn, strive, mentor: https://secure.marketwatch.com/story/asian-american-technology-executive-outlines-6-strategies-to-break-through-the-bamboo-ceiling-and-achieve-top-corporate-jobs-2012-03-20
The Taiwan native is a member of a young group of Asian-American fashion designers called “The Asian American Fashion Movement.”
The White House announced its top three videos in its “What’s Your Story?” challenge, as part of its Champions of Change initiative, for the AAPI community.
Democratic New York House of Representatives candidate Grace Meng could be the first Asian-American (Meng is of Chinese descent) to reach the office: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304636404577291942836738970.html
Knicks’ point guard Jeremy Lin is the name face for Volvo, the Swedish-based and Chinese-owned car company announced: http://www.volvocars.com/us/top/community/Jeremy-Lin/Pages/default.aspx
The Shins bring their melodic sounds on their new album, followed by a bunny who wants to do more than deliver eggs and large hand puppets.
Min-Liang Tan donates $10,000 to a Kickstarter project.
The Library of Congress is set to host Japanese-American poet Garrett Hongo as part of its “Asian-American Poetry Today” event, Friday, April 13, at 2 p.m. in Washington, D.C.: http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-055.html
Universal Music Group announced it will attempt to bring Perfume, a J-pop trio, to an international audience.
A co-creator for Chumby, a cute Web app device, developed an open-source geiger counter people can buy to test for radiation levels in Japan, following the country’s Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011: http://www.engadget.com/2012/03/16/bunnie-huang-geiger-counter/
A new report indicates Asian Americans are bidding on an increasing number of government and other contracts and winning them: http://aapress.com/business/asian-american-small-business-contractors-bidding-more-win-more-federal-contracts/
A recent study indicates five dietary patterns exist among United States citizens, with different socioeconomic factors affecting which pattern a participant placed him or herself in: http://www.upi.com/Health_News/2012/03/17/Americans-have-five-dietary-patterns/UPI-40881331962935/?spt=hs&or=hn
NPR’s This American Life radio program retracted part of a January show in which a performer, Mike Daisy, traveled to China to uncover the working conditions at Apple Inc. and other electronic manufacturer’s production plants, saying parts of the account […]
Joan Chen, best known for her roles in Twin Peaks and The Last Emperor, spoke with NPR’s Michael Martin about her career and being honored at the San Francisco International Asian-American Film Festival: https://www.npr.org/2012/03/15/148678021/joan-chen-motivated-to-fight-asian-stereotypes
Cast of the Asian-American LGBTQ film Saving Face reunited at the 30th annual San Francisco International Asian-American Film Festival to talk about the film eight years later: http://www.hyphenmagazine.com/blog/archive/2012/03/saving-face-turns-eight-cast-reunites-talk-linsanity-sfiaaff30
Hollywood scores another win in this week’s Friday Features with a C+, it’s highest rating since inception (although there were only two releases).
Today’s Google Doodle honors artist Akira Yoshizawa: http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-akira-yoshizawa-google-doodle-20120314,0,4165325.story?track=rss
Actor and musician Goh Nakamura is looking for funding on Kickstarter to master and publish his music from the motion pictures Surrogate Valentine and Daylight Savings, which premiered last Saturday at the South by Southwest festival in Austin: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/393112334/motion-from-the-music-picture
Debbie Lum turns the lens on Asian mail order brides and yellow fevor, or the attraction of non-Asians to those who are Asian in an almost benign manner: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2012/03/12/seeking-asian-female-explores-sex-and-race/
Jazz, indie rock and a cadre of video game enthused friends rounds out this week’s Media Releases.
George Takei helped raise over $158,000 to bring the musical, Allegiance, about Japanese-American internment during World War II, to Broadway.
Jake Gyllenhaal stars in this new music video from The Shoes called “Time to Dance.”
Author Gil Asakawa is answering your Asian-American related questions on his video journal site hosted on Vyou: http://vyou.com/gilasakawa/
Artist Andy Takemoto has a line of wooden glasses frames perfect for prescription lenses or sunglasses on his Etsy page: http://www.etsy.com/shop/TAKEMOTO?ref=seller_info