Friday Features, March 9, 2012
It’s Friday, the day when 9-5ers and students alike take a breather from the week to recoup. And what better way to relax than by watching a fabulous movie featuring Asian Americans, or, as the case is for this week, not featuring Asian Americans. Hollywood did receive it’s highest rating since Dumpling’s inception. Congrats. Now do better.
Studio: No. of AA: 0
Rating: F
Scary things are afoot in a lake-side house as one girl tries the stay alive. The most horrifying part? No Asian Americans. But, like this film, that’s entirely predictable.
Studio: No. of AA: 0
Rating: F
This isn’t a Hollywood feature but a documentary on Michelin star rated Japanese living treasure chef Jiro Ono. It opens in limited release in New York and other large cities and makes us very hungry. Itadakimasu.
Studio: No. of AA: 0
Rating: F
A bunch of white kids uncover their town’s evil serial killer, which happens to enjoy video taping his crimes, hence the title. A The Ring for the YouTube generation? Hardly.
Studio: No. of AA: 1
Rating: D-
"Shor," Mickey Mouse said, while sipping cognac through a straw, "le’s dig up dat Edgah Burroughs book an’ make it inta da next Avatar." Another Dances With Wolves.
Studio: No. of AA: 0
Rating: F
Two friends decide to have a child together, but can their platonic relationship withstand the change? Maybe they should have adopted an Asian American instead. Fun people from Brides Maids return for even more laughs.
Studio: No. of AA: 2
Rating: C+
Eddy Murphy is back to his zany comedy role in this film that’s more than a Liar, Liar spin-off. Click the link to see one of two Asian Americans (the first is standing in line at Starbucks).
IFC Films
Corner Store
Fontenay Films
Walt Disney
Lions Gate
Overall rating this week: C-
We look at the top new release films for the week and give them a rating based on the number of Asian-Americans therein, as graded by cast lists on IMDB.com and from trailers. If we missed any, let us know in the comments below. You’ll receive full credit when we update the story to reflect these changes, and you’ll get our kudos, which, really, should warm anyone’s heart. 🙂
Tags: A Thousand Words, Dances With Wolves, Friends With Kids, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, John Carter, Playback, Silent House